The Microbiotics laboratory offers psychoactive (toxicological) analysis in urine, allowing to establish the profile of the use of these substances.
Our analysis method aims to identify the following substances:

They should be performed using methods accredited by international standards and will provide encouragement and indication for conducting (when detecting the presence of the drug) confirmatory examinations that will give the verdict on the presence of substance abuse.
The great benefit of screening tests is the cost and speed of releasing the negative results safely without the need for confirmation.
There are many analytical techniques used for the purpose of screening: Immunoassays, and chromatography coupled to mass spectrometric detection. The screening performed by mass spectrometry is more conclusive.
The analytical technique that can produce unambiguous results for this purpose is chromatography coupled with mass spectrometric detection.
All these tests must be performed by laboratories accredited to ISO 17025.
The Microbiotics Laboratory is accredited to ISO-17025 by the National Institute of Metrology, Quality Technology of Brazil (INMETRO).
Being a signatory member of ILAC and IAAC allows multilateral and mutual recognition between accreditation bodies (the so-called Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) for ILAC, and Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA) for IAAC).